Washburn County Economic Development Corporation

Monthly MEETING - Thursday October 29, 2009


President Lloyd Wallace called the monthly meeting to order at 7:30a.m. at the Washburn County Economic/Industrial Development Conference Room.


Present: Lloyd Wallace, Chuck Jenkins, Rob Paine, Louie Villella, Carol Dunn, Rob Lester, Mark Krueger, and Morris Gillett.

Absent:  Pete Paine, and Greg Krantz.


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Dick Hartmann, and Jerry Thompson.


Chuck Jenkins made a motion to approve the agenda, Morris Gillette 2nd the motion.  M.C.


Approval of Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting September 17, 2009 were circulated.  Chuck Jenkins made a motion to approve the minutes.  Rob Paine 2nd the motion.  M.C.  by unanimous vote.



Treasurer’s Report by Carol Dunn- Carol read the monthly Treasurer’s report and reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for October was $18,316.57 with a checking account balance of $36990.64 and an additional $12,957.64 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses, ½ for business plan development, and 501 (c)(3) expenses to the IRS and Anderson Hager and Moe.   Total available funds are $49,948.28.  Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P & L report, balance sheet report as requested by board members.  Chuck Jenkins made a motion to approve Treasurer Report and pay bills, 2nd by Mark Krueger.   M.C. by unanimous vote.


Members/Directors Comments:  President Lloyd Wallace stated he would like to see a “Thank you” sent to both Jerry Thompson, and Leo Beitz from Franklin Glass for donating the tables and glass.

Marge Quinn has agreed to follow up and send the thank you. 


Discussions were made on the County Board level regarding WCEDC Budget.  Louie Villella, Dick Hartmann, and Jerry Thompson have agreed to attend the County Board meeting on November 10th, at 9:00 a.m.


Old Business


Web Site Update:  Director Dick Hartmann stated the he has met with Magnifisites to put a template on WCEDC website.    Dick said he has completed the Home page with banner, contact lists, and adding links.  Dick and Todd will meet to complete Web Site.  Dick indicated the Web Site should be completed within the next month. 


New Business

Renewable Energy Presentation Special Meeting- Dick discussed what he felt may be a feasible direction for Economic Development in Washburn County with regard to Heat/Power Generation utilizing logging residue in Washburn County, along with the use of local logging operations.


Board Members made discussions regarding the renewable energy and the cost to complete this project.  Board Members agreed to have a special meeting regarding the renewable energy in January, 2010 and inviting the County Forester, with Local Logging Companies in the area.  Dick will arrange a meeting to take place in January, 2010.





Director Report-open

Dick Hartmann gave Director Report.  dick stated he has 8 new loans in process for IDA approval.  Dick completed the 501C3 and sent to the IRS for approval.  Dick indicated the IRP Plan is approved and will enable the WCIDA to provide refinancing for existing sound loans,  Motion to approve the Director Report by Morris Gillett, 2nd by Rob Paine.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Motion by made by Rob Lester to move into closed session, 2nd by Carol Dunn.  M.C.


Marge Quinn properly took roll call.


Chuck Jenkins made a motion to convene in open session to discuss matters in closed session.  Morris Gillette 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


President Lloyd Wallace reported on the six month review for the WCEDC Director “Dick Hartmann” with discussions how the WCEDC staff can work together on a regular meeting once a week for updates to make Marge and Dick familiar on the ongoing projects.


Other Concerns: 

Mark Krueger made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Chuck Jenkins.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Next Meeting – November 19, 2009- 7:30 a.m. (Monthly Meeting) at the Washburn County Economic Development “New Office”- located at 208 Vine Street – Spooner, WI 54801

Respectfully Submitted by,

                                                                                    Margie Quinn