1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting in January 15 , 2014  
  4. Nominations for Minong and Stone Lake Representatives
  5. Treasurer Report.– Report from Treasurer Jim Bethel (To be circulated at the meeting)
  6. Update on Job fair
  7. Update/Status of Director Applications
  8. Set dates and times for interviews (New Director)
  9. Correspondence received

10.  Motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.


11.  Motion to reconvene in open session to discuss issues and take action on matters discussed in closed session.


12.  Action on wage decision for the replacement while Marge is on vacation.

13.  Other Concerns-

14.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  March 19th,  2014