"Expand the Tax Base and Create New Jobs" Washburn County Economic Development Corporation

MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday April 20, 2016

President Schultz called the meeting to order at 730am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI. 54801.


Present: Bill Marx, Virginia Hurckman, Lance Ausing, Tom Klassa, Mike Bobin, Ken Schultz, and Jim Dohm.


Absent: Connie Lester, Romaine Quinn, Jim Bethel and Rob Paine.


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Teresa Stein


Concerned Citizens


Agenda Approval: Bill Marx made a motion to accept and approve the agenda, Virginia Hurkman 2nd.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes on March 16, 2016. Virginia Hurckman made a motion to approve minutes from March 16th, 2nd by Lance Ausing.  M.C.   Bill Marx stated there are two areas we need to correct, one is he was not present at the March Meeting, and secondly on the Director report, should be AND instead of IN on the sentence with Governor Fishing Contest.  Lance Ausing made a motion to amend the minutes as noted, Virginia Hurkman second the motion.  M.C.


Treasurer’s Report – Margie Quinn read the monthly Treasurer’s report. (Treasurer Jim Bethel was absent) Marge reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for March, 2016 was $13101.83 with three payrolls this month.  Leaving a checking account balance of $74536.97 and an additional $9648.18 in the CD account to be used for marketing expenses, Web Site, and for business plan development and expenses.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $7611.24.  Total available funds are $91796.39  Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L, detail from QB and a balance excel spreadsheet for the annual income with expenses for March and April, 2016.  Tom Klassa has requested Marge to contact CenturyTel and get a lower monthly rate or move to another service.  Marge will contact CenturyTel.   Jim Dohm made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay all bills as noted, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.   M.C. by unanimous vote.


Correspondence Received- Marge updated the Board on correspondence from Marilyn Pachel on her resignation.  Marge Quinn updated the board on the invitation from Govern Scott Walker’s office to invite businesses in Washburn County to meet with the Governor on May 6th.


New Employee Update:  President Schultz updated the board on the new employee he hired to replace Marilyn Pachel.  WCEDC welcomes Whitney Korthof.  Ken stated she has a lot to offer, has the background we need and is doing an excellent job.  Whitney will be working for WCEDC approximately two days a month for now. 


Director Report - Director Teresa Stein update Board Members on the Career days in Spooner, and Shell Lake on April 27th and Birchwood on May 4th. Teresa stated she would like to send a thank you to all schools; Board Members felt certificates would be more fitting. Teresa stated she has attended monthly meetings for the Chamber and monthly meetings for Tourism, BID Meetings, Northwest Regional Economic Development Group held in Hayward, Siren, and Ashland.  Teresa continues meeting with Tourism on the Governor Fishing Contest planning stages, and organizing.  Teresa stated she attended Heart of The North days and it was very interesting, and educational.  Teresa has continued to attend Town Board Meetings.


Review of By-laws changes for action at the Annual Meeting- President Ken Schultz stated we need to review the ByLaws with the total of number of members, and County Board Members.  President Schultz asked Board members to review the Bylaws and address any changes at the May meeting, and take action at the June Annual meeting. 


Motion to Move into Closed Session:  Tom Klassa made a motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues to discuss personnel issues of specific persons, and job descriptions, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.  Virginia Hurckman 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.  Margie Quinn was invited to attend the closed session.  Teresa Stein was excused.


Roll Call was taken by Margie Quinn.

Bill Marx-yes, Mike Bobin-Yes, Jim Dohm-yes, Virginia Hurckman-yes, Lance Ausing-yes, Tom Klassa-yes Ken Schultz- yes. M.C.  by unanimous vote


Motion to reconvene in open session by Mike Bobin, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.    M.C  


  1. President Tom Klassa has requested the Director’s Ad from last September and the Employee Handbook is available for review by Board Members at the April meeting.



Other Concerns/Discussions/Action – Board Members are reviewing the Employee Manual with changes.  There has been a committee assigned to review and bring back changes to the next meeting.  Committee is Bill Marx, Virginia Hurkman, and Lance Ausing. 


Agenda items for Next Meeting: Bylaw revisions, employee manual, holidays for staff.


Next Monthly MeetingMay 18, 2016  


Motion to adjourn by Lance Ausing, 2nd by Mike Bobin.  M.C.  by unanimous vote



Draft only! Board needs to approve at the next Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.

"Expand the Tax Base and Create New Jobs" Washburn County Economic Development Corporation

MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday April 20, 2016

President Schultz called the meeting to order at 730am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI. 54801.


Present: Bill Marx, Virginia Hurckman, Lance Ausing, Tom Klassa, Mike Bobin, Ken Schultz, and Jim Dohm.


Absent: Connie Lester, Romaine Quinn, Jim Bethel and Rob Paine.


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Teresa Stein


Concerned Citizens


Agenda Approval: Bill Marx made a motion to accept and approve the agenda, Virginia Hurkman 2nd.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes on March 16, 2016. Virginia Hurckman made a motion to approve minutes from March 16th, 2nd by Lance Ausing.  M.C.   Bill Marx stated there are two areas we need to correct, one is he was not present at the March Meeting, and secondly on the Director report, should be AND instead of IN on the sentence with Governor Fishing Contest.  Lance Ausing made a motion to amend the minutes as noted, Virginia Hurkman second the motion.  M.C.


Treasurer’s Report – Margie Quinn read the monthly Treasurer’s report. (Treasurer Jim Bethel was absent) Marge reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for March, 2016 was $13101.83 with three payrolls this month.  Leaving a checking account balance of $74536.97 and an additional $9648.18 in the CD account to be used for marketing expenses, Web Site, and for business plan development and expenses.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $7611.24.  Total available funds are $91796.39  Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L, detail from QB and a balance excel spreadsheet for the annual income with expenses for March and April, 2016.  Tom Klassa has requested Marge to contact CenturyTel and get a lower monthly rate or move to another service.  Marge will contact CenturyTel.   Jim Dohm made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay all bills as noted, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.   M.C. by unanimous vote.


Correspondence Received- Marge updated the Board on correspondence from Marilyn Pachel on her resignation.  Marge Quinn updated the board on the invitation from Govern Scott Walker’s office to invite businesses in Washburn County to meet with the Governor on May 6th.


New Employee Update:  President Schultz updated the board on the new employee he hired to replace Marilyn Pachel.  WCEDC welcomes Whitney Korthof.  Ken stated she has a lot to offer, has the background we need and is doing an excellent job.  Whitney will be working for WCEDC approximately two days a month for now. 


Director Report - Director Teresa Stein update Board Members on the Career days in Spooner, and Shell Lake on April 27th and Birchwood on May 4th. Teresa stated she would like to send a thank you to all schools; Board Members felt certificates would be more fitting. Teresa stated she has attended monthly meetings for the Chamber and monthly meetings for Tourism, BID Meetings, Northwest Regional Economic Development Group held in Hayward, Siren, and Ashland.  Teresa continues meeting with Tourism on the Governor Fishing Contest planning stages, and organizing.  Teresa stated she attended Heart of The North days and it was very interesting, and educational.  Teresa has continued to attend Town Board Meetings.


Review of By-laws changes for action at the Annual Meeting- President Ken Schultz stated we need to review the ByLaws with the total of number of members, and County Board Members.  President Schultz asked Board members to review the Bylaws and address any changes at the May meeting, and take action at the June Annual meeting. 


Motion to Move into Closed Session:  Tom Klassa made a motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues to discuss personnel issues of specific persons, and job descriptions, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.  Virginia Hurckman 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.  Margie Quinn was invited to attend the closed session.  Teresa Stein was excused.


Roll Call was taken by Margie Quinn.

Bill Marx-yes, Mike Bobin-Yes, Jim Dohm-yes, Virginia Hurckman-yes, Lance Ausing-yes, Tom Klassa-yes Ken Schultz- yes. M.C.  by unanimous vote


Motion to reconvene in open session by Mike Bobin, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.    M.C  


  1. President Tom Klassa has requested the Director’s Ad from last September and the Employee Handbook is available for review by Board Members at the April meeting.



Other Concerns/Discussions/Action – Board Members are reviewing the Employee Manual with changes.  There has been a committee assigned to review and bring back changes to the next meeting.  Committee is Bill Marx, Virginia Hurkman, and Lance Ausing. 


Agenda items for Next Meeting: Bylaw revisions, employee manual, holidays for staff.


Next Monthly MeetingMay 18, 2016  


Motion to adjourn by Lance Ausing, 2nd by Mike Bobin.  M.C.  by unanimous vote



Draft only! Board needs to approve at the next Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.

"Expand the Tax Base and Create New Jobs" Washburn County Economic Development Corporation

MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday April 20, 2016

President Schultz called the meeting to order at 730am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI. 54801.


Present: Bill Marx, Virginia Hurckman, Lance Ausing, Tom Klassa, Mike Bobin, Ken Schultz, and Jim Dohm.


Absent: Connie Lester, Romaine Quinn, Jim Bethel and Rob Paine.


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Teresa Stein


Concerned Citizens


Agenda Approval: Bill Marx made a motion to accept and approve the agenda, Virginia Hurkman 2nd.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes on March 16, 2016. Virginia Hurckman made a motion to approve minutes from March 16th, 2nd by Lance Ausing.  M.C.   Bill Marx stated there are two areas we need to correct, one is he was not present at the March Meeting, and secondly on the Director report, should be AND instead of IN on the sentence with Governor Fishing Contest.  Lance Ausing made a motion to amend the minutes as noted, Virginia Hurkman second the motion.  M.C.


Treasurer’s Report – Margie Quinn read the monthly Treasurer’s report. (Treasurer Jim Bethel was absent) Marge reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for March, 2016 was $13101.83 with three payrolls this month.  Leaving a checking account balance of $74536.97 and an additional $9648.18 in the CD account to be used for marketing expenses, Web Site, and for business plan development and expenses.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $7611.24.  Total available funds are $91796.39  Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L, detail from QB and a balance excel spreadsheet for the annual income with expenses for March and April, 2016.  Tom Klassa has requested Marge to contact CenturyTel and get a lower monthly rate or move to another service.  Marge will contact CenturyTel.   Jim Dohm made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay all bills as noted, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.   M.C. by unanimous vote.


Correspondence Received- Marge updated the Board on correspondence from Marilyn Pachel on her resignation.  Marge Quinn updated the board on the invitation from Govern Scott Walker’s office to invite businesses in Washburn County to meet with the Governor on May 6th.


New Employee Update:  President Schultz updated the board on the new employee he hired to replace Marilyn Pachel.  WCEDC welcomes Whitney Korthof.  Ken stated she has a lot to offer, has the background we need and is doing an excellent job.  Whitney will be working for WCEDC approximately two days a month for now. 


Director Report - Director Teresa Stein update Board Members on the Career days in Spooner, and Shell Lake on April 27th and Birchwood on May 4th. Teresa stated she would like to send a thank you to all schools; Board Members felt certificates would be more fitting. Teresa stated she has attended monthly meetings for the Chamber and monthly meetings for Tourism, BID Meetings, Northwest Regional Economic Development Group held in Hayward, Siren, and Ashland.  Teresa continues meeting with Tourism on the Governor Fishing Contest planning stages, and organizing.  Teresa stated she attended Heart of The North days and it was very interesting, and educational.  Teresa has continued to attend Town Board Meetings.


Review of By-laws changes for action at the Annual Meeting- President Ken Schultz stated we need to review the ByLaws with the total of number of members, and County Board Members.  President Schultz asked Board members to review the Bylaws and address any changes at the May meeting, and take action at the June Annual meeting. 


Motion to Move into Closed Session:  Tom Klassa made a motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues to discuss personnel issues of specific persons, and job descriptions, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.  Virginia Hurckman 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.  Margie Quinn was invited to attend the closed session.  Teresa Stein was excused.


Roll Call was taken by Margie Quinn.

Bill Marx-yes, Mike Bobin-Yes, Jim Dohm-yes, Virginia Hurckman-yes, Lance Ausing-yes, Tom Klassa-yes Ken Schultz- yes. M.C.  by unanimous vote


Motion to reconvene in open session by Mike Bobin, 2nd by Virginia Hurckman.    M.C  


  1. President Tom Klassa has requested the Director’s Ad from last September and the Employee Handbook is available for review by Board Members at the April meeting.



Other Concerns/Discussions/Action – Board Members are reviewing the Employee Manual with changes.  There has been a committee assigned to review and bring back changes to the next meeting.  Committee is Bill Marx, Virginia Hurkman, and Lance Ausing. 


Agenda items for Next Meeting: Bylaw revisions, employee manual, holidays for staff.


Next Monthly MeetingMay 18, 2016  


Motion to adjourn by Lance Ausing, 2nd by Mike Bobin.  M.C.  by unanimous vote



Draft only! Board needs to approve at the next Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.