President Ken Schultz called the meeting to order at 735am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI.


Present: Jim Bethel, Bill Marx, Ken Schultz, Rob Paine, Dennis Stewart, Tom Klassa, Skip Fiedler, Rob Lester, Lloyd Wallace, and Morris Gillett.


Absent: Connie Lester


Others Present:  Margie Quinn


Concerned Citizens:  None


President Ken Schultz introduced new Board Member, Dennis Stewart and welcome back Rob Paine.  Dennis Stewart represents the Minong area.  Rob Paine represents the Stone Lake area. 


Approval of Agenda- Skip Fiedler made a motion to approve agenda, 2nd by Rob Lester.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes Lloyd Wallace made a motion to approve amended minutes for February 19th, 2nd by Skip Fiedler.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Treasurer’s Report by Jim Bethel- Jim Bethel read the monthly Treasurer’s report. Jim B. reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for February 20, 2014 – March 26 were $6997.56 leaving a checking account balance of $78921.30 (partial membership for 2014 in our budget) and an additional $9504.64 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses, ½ for business plan development, and 501 (c) (3) expenses to the IRS and Anderson Hager and Moe.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $7596.23.  Total available funds are $96057.76.   Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L monthly and a balance detail from QB.  Jim Bethel stated he would like to see a qtr. report at the April meeting on expenses and income to compare to the budget for 2014.  Bill Marx made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay all bills as noted, 2nd by Skip Fiedler.    M.C. by unanimous vote.


Update on Job Fair- President Ken Schultz updated the board on the job fair.  Ken stated there were about 20 businesses in WC to participate and would like to see WCEDC participate in one for next year, with the new director to take the leadership in organizing for next year.  William Marx also attended with Ken Schultz.  Bill stated they had approximately 300 available jobs available at the fair, both long and short term.  Both Ken and Bill stated the Job Fair went very well, and thanked both the businesses who participated and Randy McQuade in organizing the Job Fair.  Skip Fiedler made a motion to participate in the Job fair next year, 2nd by Wallace.  .    M.C. by unanimous vote.


President Ken Schultz commented on the guidelines of closed sessions, and the importance of the topics discussed in closed sessions to stay confidential. 


Motion made by Skip Fiedler to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues, to conduct specific public business:  The Ranking of Director Candidates, where considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility over require a closed session.  Rob Lester 2nd the motion. M.C. by unanimous vote.  Marge Quinn was invited to stay in closed session.


Roll Call was properly taken by Margie Quinn. 


Motion made by Rob Paine to reconvene in open session to discuss issues and take action on matters discussed in closed session.  Jim Bethel 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Action on Director Position:  No action was taken on Director Position.  There were some of the WCEDC Board Members that could not attend the interview process. 


Bill Marx made a motion to have the top two selected candidates do a presentation on April 2nd, and allow them up to 30 minutes to cover 4 points of the presentation.  The first candidate will be at 745am on April 2nd, in the Washburn County Economic Development office for his presentation, with the 2nd to follow at 815am.  President Ken Schultz will send both candidates the questions via email on what the presentation should cover.  Skip Fiedler 2nd the motion.    M.C. by unanimous vote.


Other Concerns/Discussions/Action - None


Agenda items for Next Meeting: 


Next Monthly MeetingApril 16th, 2014. (Meeting on April 2nd for presentation of applicants)


Lloyd Wallace made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Skip Fiedler.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Draft only!  Board needs to approve at the next Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.