Washburn County Economic Development Corporation
Monthly MEETING - Thursday August 20, 2009

President Lloyd Wallace called the monthly meeting to order at 7:30a.m.at the Washburn County Highway Shop Conference Room.
Present: Lloyd Wallace, Greg Krantz, Chuck Jenkins, Pete Paine, Rob Paine, Louie Villella, Carol Dunn, Rob Lester, and Morris Gillett.
Absent:  Mark Krueger
Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Dick Hartmann, Jerry Thompson, Frank Zufall, Donna Barnes-Haeselmeyer, Steve Carlson, Ed Fischer, and JoAnne Martin.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting July 23, 2009 were circulated.  Rob Lester made a motion to approve the minutes.  Morris Gillett 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Treasurer’s Report by Carol Dunn- Carol read the monthly Treasurer’s report and reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for July was $12,267.36 with a checking account balance of $36,279.09 and an additional $12,868.44 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses and ½ for business plan development. Total available funds are $49,147.53.  Greg Krantz made a motion to approve Treasurer Report and pay bills, 2nd by Chuck Jenkins.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Concerned Citizens:  Ed Fischer from “Good Government Forum” expressed his concerns with the WCEDC quasi-governmental rules and circulated correspondence from Beaver Dam Area Development Corporation and comparison with WCEDC.

Jerry Thompson expressed his concerns as to what exactly is the “Good Government Forum Group” going with all the concerns lately and what exactly they want.  Jerry stated WCEDC has always followed open meetings, and the documents requested have been given to the individuals who requested them.  Jerry asked Ed Fischer “What are you asking for”??

Steve Carlson expressed his concerned regarding the 2008 membership list voting at the Annual Meeting. There were several requests to the WCEDC office from members asking if we would use the 2008 membership list because the invoices had not been sent for 2009 membership.

Old Business

Update on New Office- Dick Hartmann stated the WCEDC office has been moved as of August 19, but stated there is some computer, and phone lines to be hooked up yet.  Dick also stated for the cost per foot is less than what WCEDC had been paying.  Greg Krantz commented on how helpful Dwight Marquart and Jerry Thompson were in the move with the extra help they provided.  Marge will send thank you notes to both of them.

Review of final 2010 Budget Proposal-The final budget with changes did not get down to Mike Keefe.  Dick Hartmann will present the final version to Mike Keefe within the next week to present to the finance committee.  Motion made by Chuck Jenkins to get the 2010 budget with any adjustments to Mike Keefe within the next week for review.  Louie Villella seconded the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Update on the 501 C 3- Dick Hartmann stated the 501©3 is nearly complete and he will be meeting with Anderson/ Hager and Moe for final review before sending it in.

Funding / Newsletter Update

Dick Hartmann stated WCEDC office staff has completed the letters/invoice/newsletters and have now been sent.

Membership update:   Marge stated we have received a total of $11,400.00 for membership as of August 20, 2009.  Pete Paine made a motion to send the 2010 letters/invoices out by October, 2009 with a reminder letter to follow in January or February of any memberships not received yet.  Louie Villella 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Web Site Update:  Director Dick Hartmann stated the WCEDC website would be reviewed for upgrades, to include more data, including agenda, minutes, newsletters, etc. Pete Paine has expressed his interest in participating in the process of making changes to the website.  President Lloyd Wallace would like to attend this meeting as well.

New Business

Carol Dunn made a motion to convene in closed session to discuss confidential current projects, and discuss loan update with WCIDA.  Rob Lester 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Marge Quinn properly took roll call.

Greg Krantz made a motion to convene in open session to discuss matters in closed session.  Chuck Jenkins 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Greg Krantz expressed his concerns about the Director’s Report in Closed Session and suggested to the board WCEDC should have one Director’s Report as a generic Non-Confidential report in open session and one confidential Director’s Report in closed session. 

Dick Hartmann gave Director Report.  Motion to approve Director Report by Morris Gillett, 2nd by Rob Paine.  M.C. by unanimous vote.

Other Concerns:  President Lloyd Wallace made the discussions regarding the resolution for any organizations receiving County Funding to abide by the Open Meeting Laws failed by 7-12 votes by WC Board of Supervisors on August 19, 2009.

Greg Krantz made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Chuck Jenkins.  M.C.

Next Meeting – September 17, 2009- 7:30 a.m. (Monthly Meeting) at the Washburn County Economic Development “New Office”- located at 208 Vine Street – Spooner, WI 54801

Respectfully Submitted by,
Margie Quinn