President Chuck Jenkins called the Monthly meeting to order at 7:30a.m. at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI.


Present: Chuck Jenkins, Rob Paine, Jim Bethel, Greg Krantz, Ken Schultz, Bill Marx and Mike Bobin.


Absent:  Rob Lester, Lloyd Wallace, and Morris Gillette.


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, Dick Hartmann, Tom Mackie, and Steve Sather.


Concerned Citizens:  None


President Chuck Jenkins stated there was a phone conference with Mike Daniels from Rural Development today at 700am to discuss requirements of the RMAP Loan/Grant.  Mike Daniels will get back to the board after reviewing the contract with WCIDA/WCEDC he received this morning. 


Rob Paine made a motion to approve the agenda, Jim Bethel 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes of July 20, 2011

Minutes of the previous meeting July 20, 2011 were circulated. Greg Krantz made a motion to amend the minutes on motions made with RMAP funds to read 2nd motion made by Greg Krantz.  Mike Bobin 2nd motion.  Motion carried.  Marge will amend that motion.  Greg Krantz made a motion to approve the minutes with so noted changes.  Rob Paine 2nd the motion.  M.C.  by unanimous vote.


RMAP Funds- President Jenkins updated the board on the phone conference with Mike Daniels regarding WCIDA to administrate the RMAP Loans.  Mike Daniels will get back to WCEDC/WCIDA on the Contract he received from Dick this morning, although indicated the RMAP funds were to WCEDC.  All accounts need to be in WCEDC.  Motion made by Mike Bobin to have Director Dick Hartmann get a quote from Anderson Hager and Moe on an audit annually for WCEDC, and make sure there is no conflict of interest.    Greg Krantz 2nd the motion.  M.C.


Members Comments-None


Treasurer’s Report by Jim Bethel – Jim read the monthly Treasurer’s report and reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for July/August was $12,929.29 with a checking account balance of $23,695.75 and an additional $9398.02 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses, ½ for business plan development, and 501 (c)(3) expenses to the IRS and Anderson Hager and Moe.   Total available funds are $33093.77.   Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L monthly and a balance detail from QB. Greg Krantz made a motion to approve Treasurer Report and pay bills, 2nd by Rob Paine.   M.C. by unanimous vote.


Director Report-Dick Hartmann

Directors Report was circulated to board members for review at the meeting.  Board members would like to see more Marketing for the Revolving Loans. 





Budget for 2012-


There were discussions made on drafts of the 2012 budgets.   Motion made by William Marx to have Director Dick Hartmann clean up budget with several corrections and amend the figures discussed at the meeting today to include, change correct figures for budget,  numbers to match QB and put the actual to date as the added column, and get to Mike Keefe today, August 24th.   Rob Paine 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.  President Jenkins has stated he would like Dick Hartmann to make all corrections on the budget and send to Board Members one week prior to WCEDC September meeting for final approval by board members.


Membership Letters- Director Dick Hartmann indicated he had sent Municipalities Membership letters in July, and indicated he has letters ready to go to businesses by September 30th.  President Jenkins would like to have the membership letters as a priority for Director Dick Hartmann in the month of September. 


Action/Discussion Items

Mike Bobin made a motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues to discuss personnel issues of specific persons, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.  Rob Paine 2nd the motion.  President for WCIDA, Steve Sather  and V. President of WCIDA, Tom Mackie were invited to stay in closed session.  M.C. by unanimous vote. 


Roll Call was taken by Margie Quinn.


Margie Quinn and Dick Hartmann were excused.


Motion to reconvene in open session by Chuck Jenkins, 2nd by Greg Krantz.  M.C. 


Agenda items for August meeting-, Final and corrected Budget for 2012, Marge is to provide a statement of RMAP Funds from QuickBooks, Mike Daniels response regarding RMAP funds by Dick Hartmann. Dick Hartmann is to get an estimated quote from Anderson/Hager and Moe on an Audit annually for WCEDC with RMAP funds, and make sure there is no conflict of interest doing the audit and books for WCEDC.   Source for Spooner Advocate.


Next Monthly Meeting September 21, 2011 at 730a.m. – Washburn County Economic Development Office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI 54801


Other Concerns:  .


Mike Bobin  made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Bill Marx.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Draft only!  Board needs to approve at the September Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn