President Mike Bobin called the August monthly meeting to order 735am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI.


Present: Mike Bobin, Jim Bethel, Bill Marx, Skip Fiedler, Rob Lester, Morris Gillett, Connie Lester, Tom Klassa, Ken Schultz, and Lloyd Wallace




Others Present:  Margie Quinn, and Greg Krantz


Concerned Citizens:  None



Approval of Agenda- Skip Fiedler made a motion to approve agenda, 2nd by Ken Schultz.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes Bill Marx made a motion to approve minutes for August 21 EDC meeting, 2nd by Rob Lester.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Correspondence- President Mike Bobin stated there was no new correspondence.


Treasurer’s Report by Jim Bethel- Jim Bethel read the monthly Treasurer’s report. Jim B. reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for August 22 – September 18, 2013 were $7841.76 to include Greg and Marge’s wages as well, leaving a checking account balance of $65471.79 and an additional $9504.64 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses, ½ for business plan development, and 501 (c) (3) expenses to the IRS and Anderson Hager and Moe.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $18420.11.  Total available funds are $93,396.54.   Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L monthly and a balance detail from QB.  Lloyd Wallace made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report, 2nd by Skip Fiedler.    M.C. by unanimous vote.


Discussion/Action on RMAP - Director Greg Krantz stated WCIDA approve buying the RMAP loan from WCEDC.  RMAP has been paid in full for the $35,000.00 on a loan, and the remainder of the $10,800 of Technical Assistance will be paid immediately after receiving confirmation from Rural Development via email or in writing.  Motion made by Skip Fiedler to approve a check to be sent to Rural Development in the amount of $10,800 for Technical Assistance Grant paid in full.  Rob Lester 2nd the motion.    M.C. by unanimous vote.


Tourism Cooperation for Shows-President Bobin stated he attended the Tourism meeting in September.  Tourism has indicated they now go to approximately 7 shows annually, but would like to participate in approximately 3 more shows annually, but is short in their budget.  Mike Bobin has asked the WCEDC board if they would like to contribute for Tourism to partake in the 3 more shows per year.  Discussions were tabled during Budget approval. 


Discussion/Action on Mileage Reimbursement for Board Members to attend monthly meetings-  Motion made by Skip Fiedler to reimburse Board Members for Monthly meeting only and not to exceed $1800.00 annually, Rob Lester 2nd the motion.   M.C.



Discussion/Action on 2014 Budget- Greg Krantz circulated a new spread sheet with matching numbers to QB. Motion made by Skip Fiedler to approve the proposed budget, subject to change, but amend the marketing amount to $5000.00 for WCEDC Marketing and for possible funding for Tourism shows. Ken Schultz 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Membership Letters sent to Municipalities- Director Krantz has sent all Municipalities a letter asking to consider WCEDC Membership in their 2014 Budget.


Director Report- Director Greg Krantz circulated his Director report to Board Members. Greg discussed projects he is working on and the meetings he has attended for the last month.   Greg circulated a spreadsheet from Magnifisites on hits we have to the WCEDC Web Site.   Skip Fiedler approved Director’s report, 2nd by Jim Bethel.  M.C.  by unanimous vote.


President Comments- President Bobin commented on the WC Leadership to be held in October in Minong.  Greg Krantz, and Lloyd Wallace will attend the Leadership.


Action/Discussion Items

Mike Bobin made a motion to convene in closed pursuant to 19.85 (1) (C), WI statues to discuss personnel issues of specific persons, and job descriptions, which if discussed in public would likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person, referred to in such data.  Skip Fiedler 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote. 


Roll Call was taken by Margie Quinn.

Jim Bethel-yes, Morris Gillett-yes, Bill Marx-No, Tom Klassa-yes, Ken Schultz-yes, Connie Lester-yes, Lloyd Wallace-No, Skip Fiedler-yes, Rob Lester-yes, Mike Bobin – yes.  M.C.


Margie Quinn and Greg Krantz were excused.


Motion to reconvene in open session by Skip Fiedler, 2nd by Lloyd Wallace.  M.C  


Tom Klassa made a motion to have Director Krantz create a flexible schedule for 2 weeks increments showing dates, times, office time, and contacts/contents of any meetings.  Greg Krantz is to provide the Adm. Coordinator and the President every two weeks with this schedule.   Morris Gillett 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.



Other Concerns:  Greg Krantz stated he will present WC Administrative Coordinator, Mike Keefe with the 2013 budget vs. 2014 budget WCEDC with income and expenses, subject to change. 


Agenda items for October Meeting:


Next Monthly MeetingOctober 16, 2013 at 730a.m. – Washburn County Economic Development Office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI 54801


Lloyd Wallace made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Skip Fiedler.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Draft only!  Board needs to approve at the October Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.