President Ken Schultz called the meeting to order at 730am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI.


Present: Jim Bethel, Rob Paine, Ken Schultz, Jim Dohm, Bill Marx, Mike Bobin, Romaine Quinn, Connie Lester, and Tom Klassa.




Others Present:  Margie Quinn, and Mike Spafford


Concerned Citizens


Approval of Agenda- Mike Bobin made a motion to approve agenda, 2nd by Mike Bobin, 2nds by Jim Dohm.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes – Mike Bobin made a motion to approve amended minutes from April 15th, 2nd by Romaine Quinn.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Update on WCEDC/WCIDA- President Schultz stated the boards met, and both shared their concerns and issues that needed to be addressed.  Updates for Boards were also shared.  WCIDA and WCEDC Boards will meet again in approximately six months for concerns again.


Discussion Action on revisions to WCEDC By-Laws- Motion made by Ken Schultz to amend “There shall be no more than two APPOINTED Washburn County Board members on the WCEDC Board.  Mike Bobin 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Jim Dohm made a motion to amend and delete the wording of Article IV, paragraph 2, and delete “in writing”.  WCEDC posts the Annual agenda at three different locations.  Romaine Quinn suggested adding the Annual Meeting date to the Invoice letter that goes to all businesses.  Board Members agreed that should be added to the Membership letter.  Mike Bobin 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Rob Paine made a motion to change language on Article VI, section 1, and Article 11, First paragraph, to state “resident of Washburn County, and delete private citizens.  Jim Dohm 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.



Treasurer’s Report by Jim Bethel- Jim Bethel read the monthly Treasurer’s report. Jim B. reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for May, 2015 was $10179.80.   Leaving a checking account balance of $92149.43 and an additional $9600.00 in the CD account to be used for marketing expenses, Web Site, and for business plan development and expenses.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $7596.23.  Total available funds are $109345.76.  Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L, detail from QB and a balance excel spreadsheet for the annual income with expenses for 2014.  Bill Marx made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay all bills as noted, 2nd by Rob Paine.   M.C. by unanimous vote. 


Correspondence Received- Thank you Card from Ted’s family for Memorial Flowers.



Director Report - Director Mike Spafford discussed the Education Advisory Panels he has finished up in Minong, Shell Lake, Spooner, and Birchwood. Mike has received several thank you from Administration, and students from the various schools.   Mike stated it has really picked up in Activities for businesses in the past month.  Mike stated the Web Site is progressing with the new employee.  Mike shared his thoughts and ideas on new projects he would like to see within the next few months, one being the “Creative Concept for businesses to be recognized.”  Mike has asked for any volunteers to be on a panel for the Creative Concept board. Mike updated the board on the 2015 Membership.  Mike also discussed the funds available at this time, and what we should be looking at in the next month for the budget.  Board Members discussed and agreed to designate funds for specific projects. 


Election of Officers and Directors: 


Bill Marx made a motion to nominate Connie Lester to represent Stone Lake area for another 3 year term, Jim Dohm 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Mike Bobin made a motion to nominate Ken Schultz for another 2 years for President, Tom Klassa as V. President for a 2 year term, and Jim Bethel for another term as Treasurer.  Jim Dohm 2nd the motions.  M.C. by unanimous vote.



Other Concerns/Discussions/Action – Romaine Quinn encourage Board Members to attend next Wednesday meeting regarding the Highway 53 future plans. 


Agenda items for Next Meeting: Director’s Position, WCIDA/WCEDC Contract


Next Monthly MeetingJune 24th, 2015  


Motion to adjourn by Bill Marx, 2nd by Jim Dohm.  M.C.  by unanimous vote



Draft only!  Board needs to approve at the next Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.