"Expand the Tax Base and Create New Jobs"
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation

MONTHLY MEETING – Wednesday June 19, 2013

Bill Marx (at the request of President Mike Bobin) called the Monthly meeting to order 735am at the Washburn County Economic Development office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI.


Present:, Ken Schultz, Jim Bethel, Bill Marx, Skip Fiedler, Rob Paine, Rob Lester, Morris Gillett, and Lloyd Wallace


Absent: Mike Bobin. 


Others Present:  Margie Quinn, and Greg Krantz


Elections of Officers and Directors:  Bill Marx open the floor with nominations for Shell Lake Representative.  There were no nominations at this time, tabled for August meeting.


Ken Schultz made a motion to re-elect Jim Bethel for another 3 year term.  Lloyd Wallace 2nd the motion.  Nominations closed.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Rob Lester made a motion to elect Connie Lester as a representative for Stone Lake, Skip Fiedler 2nd the motion.  Nominations were closed.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Skip Fiedler nominated Lloyd Wallace as a representative from Minong for another 3 year term, Morris Gillett 2nd the motion.  Nominations were closed.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Jim Bethel nominated Bill Marx for Vice President, 2nd by Lloyd Wallace.  Bill Marx stated he would be happy to serve as Vice President, but cannot take the President position in 2 years as he is involved in too much and would not have the time.  Nominations were closed.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Ken Schultz nominated Jim Bethel for Treasurer for another 2 year term, Rob Lester 2nd the motion.  Nominations were closed.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Concerned Citizens:  None


Approval of Agenda- Skip Fiedler made a motion to approve the monthly agenda, Morris Gillett 2nd the motion.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Approval of Meeting Minutes of April 17, 2013

Minutes of the previous meeting April 17, 2013 were circulated. Ken Schultz made a motion to approve the minutes, Skip Fiedler 2nd the motion.  M.C.  by unanimous vote. 


Treasurer’s Report by Jim Bethel- Jim Bethel read the monthly Treasurer’s report. Jim B. reported on the monthly bills.  The total expense for May 16 – June 19th were $10,905.68 to include Greg and Marge’s wages as well, leaving a checking account balance of $58264.47 and an additional $9504.64 in the CD account to be used for ½ marketing expenses, ½ for business plan development, and 501 (c) (3) expenses to the IRS and Anderson Hager and Moe.   RMAP fund is in the amount of $8847.93.  WCEDC made payments to Rural Development on the RMAP Loan for EDC in the amount of $199.07/mo starting December 31st, 2012. Technical Assistance in the amount of $14,685.50, and Loan Loss Reserve at $1750.00.  Total available funds are $85786.57.   Marge Quinn has provided board members with a Treasurer Report, P&L monthly and a balance detail from QB.




Motion made by Schultz to have Marge check on the phone bill through Centurytel, and see if we can get the expense down with cancelling one line.  Rob Lester 2nd the motion.  M.C.  Skip Fiedler made a motion to accept the Treasurer Report and pay bills, 2nd by Rob Lester. M.C.  by unanimous vote.


Update on Web Site:  Greg stated Marge has updated the Web Site with “Work where you Play” brochure, she also added the Retail Analysis provided by Beverly Stencel, and the article regarding a nice explanation of WCEDC from Diane Dryden. Todd Keup placed the Spring Newsletter on the web.  Greg stated the website should be up to date after Marge and Todd has updated this information.   Board Members would like Greg to check on how many hits we have on the web site and report at the next meeting. 


Director’s Report- Greg Krantz

Greg circulated a Director’s report. Greg stated he was working on a few projects, but stated
Businesses are just not moving forward right now.  Discussions were made on RMAP, board members has requested Greg to report on RMAP funds at the July meeting.  Board Members inquired how much WCEDC has to pay back to Rural Development should they decide to turn grant funds back to Rural Development.  Greg will report on the Technical Assistance, Loan Loss Reserve, and balance of RMAP Loan Funds at the July meeting, and where those funds come from. Ken Schultz commented on Greg’s availability, and stated he thought it would be a good idea to have some type of calendar that Greg could write down meetings, etc.  No further action was taken.   Schultz approved Director’s report, 2nd by Jim Bethel.  M.C.  by unanimous vote.


Other Concerns:  Bill Marx updated Board on the Annex of the land out by the Spooner Ag Research Station, and stated there has been several inquires.    


Agenda items for August Meeting – Election for Representative for the Shell Lake Area, update on RMAP, update on phone bill, update on WCEDC website hits.


Next Monthly MeetingAugust 21st,  2013 at 730a.m. – Washburn County Economic Development Office located at 208 Vine Street, Spooner, WI 54801


Skip Fiedler made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Morris Gillett.  M.C. by unanimous vote.


Draft only!  Board needs to approve at the August Meeting.    Respectfully Submitted by Margie Quinn.