"Expand the Tax Base and Create New Jobs"
Washburn County Economic Development Corporation
208 Vine Street
Spooner, WI 54801
715-635-8236 (fax)



Wednesday May 16, 2012- 8:00a.m @ Washburn County Economic Development Office

Chuck Jenkins-President, Rob Paine-Vice President, Jim Bethel-Treasurer, Rob Lester, Bill Marx, Mike Bobin, Lloyd Wallace, Morris Gillett, and Ken Schultz.


Monthly AGENDA-


  1. 1.      Call Meeting to Order - President Chuck Jenkins
  2. 2.      Approve Agenda
  3. 3.      President Comments
  4. 4.      Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting on April 18, 2012
  5. 5.      Treasurer Report.– Report from Treasurer Jim Bethel (To be circulated at the meeting)
  6. 6.      Compensation for Mike Bobin (Office while Marge was on Vacation)
  7. 7.      Discussions/Action on RMAP Loan, Funds, and Audit
  8. 8.      Discussions on Empty Buildings in Washburn County
  9. 9.      Clarification Anderson Hager and Moe Invoice

10.  Insurance Update and Workers Compensation change of company

11.  Budget for the remainder of 2012

12.  Director’s Report/ Greg Krantz

13.  Other Concerns-

14.   NEXT MEETING DATE:  June 20, 2012